Figure 3.
Effect of the iontophoresis current applied after of injection of nanoparticles in the suprachoroidal space (SCS). Representative fluorescence micrographs (a), distribution of red-fluorescent nanoparticles in the SCS (b) and average distance of nanoparticle transfer in the SCS (c) (i) without iontophoresis (0 mA) and with iontophoresis at (ii) 0.14 mA and (iii) 0.7 mA for 3 min after injection of 200 µL of nanoparticles in HBSS into the SCS of rabbit eyes ex vivo. Fluorescence micrographs (a) show representative flat mounts of the eye after dissection with radial cuts from the posterior pole to the limbus to form 8 “petals.” Yellow arrows point to sites of injection into the SCS. ‡Average particle distance (APD) (mm). Graphs (b and c) present average ± standard deviation based on 3 replicate samples.