Fig. 3.
Petals of Rosa hybrida cv. ‘Purple Power’, ‘High &Mora’, ‘Marina’ and ‘Gulmira’ treated by agroinfilteration: a, d, g, i ‘Purple Power’, ‘High & Mora’, ‘Marina’ and ‘Gulmira’ infiltrated by buffer (control), respectively. b, e, h, j ‘Purple Power’, ‘High & Mora’, ‘Marina’ and ‘Gulmira’ infiltrated by Agrobacterium carrying a pBIH-35S-Del2 construct, respectively. c ‘Purple Power’ flower infiltrated by Agrobacterium carrying a pBIH-35S-Del2 construct. f Epidermal cell of ‘High & Mora’ after agroinfiltraion with pBIH-35S-Del2 by Zeiss light microscope. Note: mauve color pigments on adaxial side of the epidermis cell (bar = 100 µm) and on petals are represented by yellow circle. Agrobacterium injected sites using 2 ml needleless syringe are represented by black arrow (color figure online)