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. 2018 Apr 20;131(8):899–906. doi: 10.4103/0366-6999.229888

Table 4.

Linear regression models for the association between MoCA scores and characteristics of OSA or RBD

MoCA linear regression β 95% confidence internal P
 Unadjusted −0.722 −1.544 to 0.101 0.085
 Model 1 −0.584 −1.395 to 0.228 0.157
 Model 2 −0.574 −1.395 to 0.247 0.169
 Model 3 −0.736 −1.447 to −0.025 0.043
 Unadjusted −2.480 −3.179 to −1.781 <0.001
 Model 1 −2.429 −3.088 to −1.771 <0.001
 Model 2 −2.445 −3.106 to −1.784 <0.001
 Model 3 −2.575 −3.231 to −1.920 <0.001
 Unadjusted −0.054 −0.087 to −0.021 0.002
 Model 1 −0.046 −0.079 to −0.012 0.008
 Model 2 −0.046 −0.080 to −0.012 0.008
 Model 3 −0.052 −0.081 to −0.024 <0.001
 Unadjusted −0.061 −0.094 to −0.028 <0.001
 Model 1 −0.054 −0.087 to −0.020 0.002
 Model 2 −0.054 −0.088 to −0.020 0.002
 Model 3 −0.060 −0.089 to −0.031 <0.001
Tonic EMG activity
 Unadjusted −0.059 −0.100 to −0.019 0.005
 Model 1 −0.057 −0.104 to −0.011 0.016
 Model 2 −0.059 −0.105 to −0.012 0.016
 Model 3 −0.065 −0.119 to −0.012 0.017
Phasic EMG activity
 Unadjusted −0.046 −0.087 to −0.004 0.031
 Model 1 −0.043 −0.088 to 0.001 0.057
 Model 2 −0.047 −0.093 to −0.002 0.043
 Model 3 −0.051 −0.102 to −0.001 0.049

Model 1: Adjusted for age, duration, education, and BMI; Model 2: Adjusted for age, duration, education, BMI, UPDRS III score, and Levodopa-equivalent daily dosage; Model 3: Adjusted for age, duration, education, BMI, UPDRS III score, Levodopa-equivalent daily dosage, insomnia, restless legs syndrome, RBD, or OSA. MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment; OSA: Obstructive sleep apnea; RBD: Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder; AHI: Apnea-hypopnea index; ODI: Oxygen desaturation index; EMG: Electromyography; BMI: Body mass index; UPDRS: Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale.