Phenotyping of the E. coli strain ΔfumACB and functional complementation by P. falciparum FH. Growth phenotype of the E. coli strains with at least one copy of fumarate hydratase gene deleted (ΔA, ΔB, and ΔC) and with all three genes deleted (ΔACB) on malate- (MAL) (a) and fumarate (FUM) (b)-containing minimal medium. As evident from the phenotype, ΔfumACB strain (ΔACB) is not able to grow on fumarate-containing minimal medium. c and d, the growth of ΔfumACB strains expressing either PfFHFL (FL) or PfFHΔ40 (Δ40) or PfFHΔ120 (Δ120) of P. falciparum fumarate hydratase on malate- (c) and fumarate (d)-containing minimal medium. The plates were scored after 48 h of incubation at 37 °C. ΔfumACB strain containing just pQE30 (E) was used as a control. The experiment was repeated three times, and the images shown correspond to one of the replicates.