Table 1.
Summary of the studies on the psychiatric or psychosocial sequelae of the survivors of the Japanese military sexual slavery
Author | Year | Number of participants | Method/tools | Language |
Shim [5] | 1999 | 6 | Qualitative interview | Korean |
Min et al. [6] | 2003 | 26 | SCID-I, GDS, PS scale of MMPI, STAXI, Rorschach test | Korean, English |
Park et al. [9] | 2013 | 16 | Qualitative interview | English |
Kim et al. [10] | 2014 | 12 | PDS, EQ-5D | Korean |
Lee et al. [12] | 2015 | 5 | MINI, HAMD, HAMA, POREST, MMSE | Korean |
Lee et al. [13] | 2016 | 20 | SCID-I, Stigma Scale | Korean |
SCID-I: Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV axis I disorders, GDS: Geriatric Depression Scale, PS: Paranoid scale, MMPI: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, STAXI: State-Trait Anxiety Expression Inventory, PDS: Posttraumatic stress Diagnostic Scale, EQ-5D: EuroQol-5 Dimension, MINI: Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview, HAMD: Hamilton Depression rating scale, HAMA: Hamilton Anxiety rating scale, POREST: Positive Resources Test, MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination