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. 2018 Apr 23;13(4):e0196239. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0196239

Table 4. Adverse events.

  Short cycle therapy Continuous therapy Total P-Value*
Young people randomised and included, N 99 100 199
Number of events [Number of YP]
    Grade 3 and 4 AEs 27 [18] 21 [16] 48 [34] 0.71
    ART related AEs 13 [10] 17 [12] 30 [22] 0.82
    Treatment modifying AEs 7 [6] 8 [8] 15 [14] 0.78
    Serious AEs 20 [16] 8 [4] 29 [20] 0.005
    New CDC stage B events 3 [3] 1 [1] 4 [4] 0.37
    New CDC stage C events 0 [0] 0 [0] 0 [0] 1.00
  Event Rate per 100 PYs Rate ratio
(95% CI)
        Grade 3 and 4 AEs 7.44 5.85 1.28 (0.62, 2.65) 0.50
      ART related AEs 3.58 4.73 0.76 (0.32, 1.80) 0.53
        Treatment modifying AEs 1.93 2.23 0.87 (0.31, 2.44) 0.79
        Serious AEs 5.79 2.23 2.49 (0.71, 8.66) 0.15

YP = young people, PYs = person-years, AEs = adverse events.

*P-values in top half of table compare number of young people experiencing an event between arms;

†Adjusted for stratification factors; incidence rate ratio from Poisson regression model, with CT as the reference category. Fixed-effects model with standard error adjusted for clustering within participant

‡One young person in the short cycle therapy arm died of bacterial sepsis.