Figure 4.
Effects of DBS on Decision Making Parameters
(A) Schematic illustration of the drift diffusion model. Evidence for choice A versus choice B is accumulated over time until it reaches either boundary for choice A or B. When the boundary is reached, the respective choice is selected. The slope of the accumulated evidence depends on drift rate v. The distance between the two boundaries is determined by decision threshold a. The non-decision time t is related to afferent delay, sensory processing, and motor execution. The blue trace schematically represents a trial in which choice A wins over choice B.
(B) Quantile probability plots showing the observed (x) and predicted (ellipses) RT against their cumulative probabilities (10, 30, 50, 70, and 90 percentiles × accuracy rates). The widths of the ellipses represent uncertainty (SD of the posterior predictive distribution). Blue symbols are used for correct and red symbols for incorrect trials. Note that predictions of accuracy can be inferred from the horizontal alignment of ellipses (predictions) and crosses (observed data). The black crosses represent RT from an independent patient group (n = 11) [12] that was not used for model fitting and shows the generalizability of the model predictions.
(C) Posterior probability densities of model parameters for changes in decision thresholds in low- versus high-coherence trials during aDBS. Decision thresholds increased in low- versus high-coherence trials if stimulation was not applied 400–500 ms postcue, but this effect was absent when stimulation was applied in this time window.
(D) Posterior probability densities of model parameters for changes in decision thresholds in low- versus high-coherence trials for cDBS and off DBS.