Figure 5. Imiquimod’s effects in the mouse.
(A) Proportions of IMQ+/AITC+ and AITC+ only DRG neurons observed in calcium imaging experiments (n = 83 IMQ+/AITC+ neurons, n = 781 AITC+ only DRG neurons). (B, C) Representative traces from calcium imaging experiments on dissociated mouse DRG neurons from WT (B) (n = 15 neurons) and Trpa1-/- (C) (n = 23 neurons) mice. (A–C), 100 μM IMQ and 100 μM AITC used. (D) Quantification of scratching bouts in WT and Trpa1-/- mice following IMQ (10 μg) injections. (E, F) Representative traces from calcium imaging experiments in which 100 μM IMQ, 100 μM CQ, 100 μM DC, and 100 μM AITC were applied. IMQ+/CQ+DCA+/AITC+ (e) and AITC+ only (f) neurons are shown. (G) Quantification of the IMQ+ neuronal populations from the experiments shown in (E, F) (n = 27 IMQ+/CQ+DCA+/AITC+ neurons, 7 IMQ+/AITC+ neurons). (H) Comparison of maximum ΔF/F between IMQ+/AITC+ and AITC+ only. 100 μM IMQ, 10 μM AITC used. All calcium imaging experiments performed on dissociated mouse DRG neurons. (I) Quantification of scratching bouts in WT mice following injections of varying AITC concentrations. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, Student’s t-test. Bars are expressed as mean + s.e.m.