Input: |
SNP matrix X ∈ ℝd×n, longitudinal phenotype matrix Y = [Y1
Y2 … YT] where
, parameter δ1 = 10−12 and δ2 = 10−12, number of groups g. |
Output: |
Weight matrix W = [W1
W2 … WT] where
and g different group matrices
which groups the tasks into exactly g subspaces. |
W by the optimal solution to the ridge regression problem:
Q matrices randomly |
while not converge do
1. Update D according to the definition in Eq. (12). |
2. Update Q according to the solution in Eq. (14)
3. Update B according to the definition in Eq. (13). |
4. Update W, where the solution to the k-th column of W is displayed in Eq. (15). |
end while