A, Sample Western blots of the surface protein fraction and
the total protein fraction (input) of the GABAR γ2 subunit in
hippocampal slices acutely obtained from P23 – 25 controls animals (C)
and animals in status epilepticus of 1 hour in duration induced by a combination
of lithium and pilocarpine (LiPilo). The purity of surface proteins was checked
in each assay by confirming the absence of β-actin expression in the
surface protein fraction. B, The surface expression of the
γ2 subunit presented as mean ± SEM of the ratio of the
surface-to-total expression in control slices and LiPilo-induced SE-treated
slices acutely obtained one hour after seizure onset. n=6, * p < 0.05.
C, Sample Western blots of the surface protein fraction and the
total protein fraction of the GABAR γ2 subunit in hippocampal slices
acutely obtained from P23 – 25 control animals (C) and animals in status
epilepticus of 1 hour in duration induced by kainic acid (KA). The purity of
surface proteins was checked in each assay by confirming the absence of
β-actin expression in the surface protein fraction. D, The
surface expression of the γ2 subunit presented as mean ± SEM of
the ratio of the surface-to-total expression in control slices and KA-induced
SE-treated slices obtained either 1 hour or 3 hours after seizure onset. n=5 at
1 hour post-KA-induced SE and n=6 at 3 hours post-KA-induced SE. E,
Sample Western blots of the surface protein fraction and total protein fraction
(input) of the GABAR γ2 subunit in hippocampal slices acutely obtained
from P23 – 25 control animals (C) or lithium-pretreated animals that
received diazepam (10 mg/kg) 10 minutes prior to the injection of pilocarpine
(DZP). The slices were obtained 90 minutes after the administration of the
pilocarpine. The purity of surface proteins was checked in each assay by
confirming the absence of β-actin expression in the surface protein
fraction. F, The surface expression of the γ2 subunit
presented as mean ± SEM of the ratio of the surface-to-total expression
in control slices and DZP slices, n=5. G, Averaged mIPSC traces
from a control (black) DGC and a KA-induced SE-treated (red) DGC voltage clamped
to a holding potential of −60 mV. The median amplitude for the mIPSCs
recorded from the control neuron displayed here was 34 pA (black tracing) and
that for the KA-induced SE-treated neurons displayed here was 31 pA (red
tracing). H, A bar graph displaying the mean of the median mIPSC
amplitude for the population of control and KA-induced SE-treated DGCs. N=8
neurons from 4 control animals and N=8 neurons from 5 SE animals.