Fig. 3. AVPR1a SNPs and SNP haplotypes do not predict AVPR1a DAE.
a AVPR1a SNPs (as represented by columns) were genotyped and tested for association with DAE (SNP-specific p values are below each column). The SNPs were also considered as haplotypes (indicated on the right Y axis with haplotype frequency increasing from light to dark red), which were grouped into related clusters based on their phylogeny. Three major AVPR1a SNP haplotype clades exist in our DAE sample although in order to compare the effects of the other clusters on DAE, one cluster was split into C2 and C4. b The majority of samples had the clade indicated by C1, so the effects of the other clusters could be compared. The SNP haplotype clusters were not associated with DAE (p = 0.950)