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. 2018 Jan 31;69(9):2345–2354. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ery036

Table 1.

Data collection and refinement statistics

OsD14 MPD complex
Protein Data Bank id 6ELX
Data collection
Beam line ESRF ID23-2
Wavelength (Å) 0.9919
Space group P212121
Wavelength (Å) 0.9919
Unit cell parameters (Å) a=48.1 b=88.6 c=118.9; α, β, γ,=90°
Solvent content (%) 42.0
Resolution (Å) 44.61–1.35 (1.40–1.35)
No. of observations 516 416 (36044)
No. of unique reflections 107 535 (8569)
Completeness (%) 95.72 (77.32)
Multiplicity 4.8 (4.2)
R merge 0.0510 (0.4184)
R meas a 0.0572 (0.4757)
<I/(σI)> 16.15 (2.91)
CC1/2 0.999 (0.813)
Resolution range (Å) 44.61–1.35 (1.40–1.35)
No. of reflections 107 538 (8569)
R work b 0.159 (0.217)
R free c 0.177 (0.229)
No. of atoms
 Protein 4388
 Ligands 58
 Waters 607
Average B-values (Å2) 16.58
 Estimated from Wilson plot 11.96
 Protein 14.76
 Ligands 32.73
 Solvent 27.74
Rms deviations from ideal values
 Bond lengths (Å) 0.006
 Bond angles (°) 1.19
Ramachandran analysisd
 Favoured (%) 98.1
 Allowed (%) 1.9
 Outliers (%) 0.0

Values in parentheses are for the outer resolution shell.

a R meas=∑hl (nh/nh–1)1/2 | Ihl–<Ih> |/∑hl <Ih> (Evans, 2006; Evans and Murshudov, 2013).

b R work=∑hkl| |Fo|–|Fc| |/∑hkl |Fo| where Fo and Fc are the observed and calculated structure factor amplitudes, respectively.

c R free calculated from a randomly chosen 5% of all unique reflections.

d From ‘MolProbity’ (Chen et al., 2010).