Expression analysis of Sbe1c in
E. coli. A, Schematic illustration of the expression vector
pQE-SBEIc carrying sequences encoding mature SBEIc with His tag (black
box) added at the amino-terminal end. B, Analysis of BE activity by
iodine staining and phosphorylase a stimulation assay. BE
activities were determined from the BE-positive strain DH5α and the
BE-deficient strain KV832, transformed with plasmids indicated.
Construct pREP4-cm expresses the Lac repressor and pQE30 is a cloning
vector used for construction of pQE-SBEIc. The BE activity values and
ses determined by the phosphorylase a
stimulation assay (Hawker et al., 1974) are expressed as μmol Glc-1-P
incorporated mg protein−1
min−1 and were determined from three separate
experiments. C, SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis of recombinant wheat
SBEIc produced in E. coli. Total cell extracts of noninduced
and IPTG-induced cultures of the BE-deficient strain, KV832, harboring
pREP4-cm and plasmid indicated were analyzed. The immunoblot analysis
was done with antibodies prepared against wheat 87-kD SBEI. Migration
of marker proteins revealed by amido black staining is shown to the