SDS-PAGE analysis of starch granule proteins
produced in wheat endosperm. A, Analysis of granule-bound proteins
produced in developing endosperm of the hexaploid wheat cv Fielder.
Solid arrow indicates migration of SBEIc isoforms and open arrow shows
migration of the 59-kD GBSSII present in pericarp starch (Nakamura et
al., 1998). B, SDS-PAGE analysis of granule-bound proteins extracted
from mature kernels of T. monococcum Tm 23 (lane 1),
T. tauschii (accession no. PI 511–380) (lane 2), T.
turgidum subsp. durum cv Kyle (lane 3), and T.
aestivum cv Fielder (lane 4). Arrows indicate proteins recognized
by SBEI antibodies and with similar migration as SBEIc.