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. 2017 Jan 13;32(1):96–106. doi: 10.1093/her/cyw055

Table V.

Control beliefs of the mothers regarding having their daughters complete the HPV vaccine series

Facilitators Frequency Percent Examples of participant responses
Health insurance 14 34.2 Having health insurance, because at this moment my daughter does not have health insurance to cover the cost of the vaccine. The vaccine would be more accessible if my daughter had health insurance.
Information 6 14.6 When they gave her the vaccine doses, the clinic gave me information, brochures that explained the benefits and how the vaccine works. The doctor explained the information about how the vaccine is given and when each dose is given, very well.
Transportation 5 12.2 Truthfully, it was not difficult to vaccinate her because I had transportation.
Vaccination appointment 4 9.8 I am always aware of when the mobile van is coming to vaccinate children and once I know I make sure I take my place in line to give my daughter [the HPV vaccine]. I wait for my turn to get her the vaccine.
Cost of the vaccine 3 7.3 For me it has been easy because the mobile clinic comes and the [HPV] vaccine is free. But if I had to pay for the vaccine I do not believe that I would be able to vaccinate her.
Daughter’s vaccine card 3 7.3 Having my daughter’s vaccination card.
Barriers Frequency Percent Examples of participant responses
Nothing 16 36.4 Well, honestly it was not difficult at all [to vaccinate her].
Vaccination appointment 8 18.2 The difficult thing is if the doctor cannot see her, but if the doctor can, well, then vaccinating her is easy.
Health insurance 5 11.4 My daughter not having health insurance.
Cost of the vaccine 4 9.1 The easiest thing would be if the vaccine was free. Or if it was more accessible because if I had to pay for the vaccine I do not believe that I could give it to my daughter.
Transportation 3 6.8 On one occasion we did not have anyone to take us to the clinic and so we missed her appointment. But later we made another appointment and that was when she received that final dose.