Fig. 5.
As and Cd concentrations in soil-grown OsPCS1 mutant rice and the respective wild-type plants. The wild-type and OsPCS1 mutant rice were grown in pots until grain ripening. After harvest, element concentrations in leaf blade and brown rice were measured by ICP-MS. Plants were grown under flooded or intermittent irrigated conditions for testing As accumulation or Cd accumulation, respectively. (A and B) As concentrations in leaf blade (A) and grain (brown rice) (B). (C and D) Cd concentrations in leaf blade (C) and grain (brown rice) (D). Data represent means with the SD of two independent experiments (n = 8–12). Asterisks indicate significant differences between each wild-type and mutant pair (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001; t-test).