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. 2018 Mar 14;97(4):1177–1188. doi: 10.3382/ps/pex404

Table 3.

Interaction of P, Ca, and phytase on InsP6, P and Ca disappearance up to the crop, duodenum/jejunum, and terminal ileum of broiler chickens fed the experimental diets from d 15 to d 27.1

Dietary treatment2 P-value3
P−Ca− P−Ca+ P+Ca− P+Ca+ Pooled P Ca Phy P × Ca P × Phy Ca × P × Ca
Phy− Phy+ Phy− Phy+ Phy− Phy+ Phy− Phy+ SEM Phy × Phy
InsP6 disappearance, %
Crop 2 68 12 61 3 66 4 71 5.03 n.s. *** n.s. n.s. *
Duo/Jej 46 81 39 73 36 76 16 66 2.44 *** *** *** ** n.s. n.s.
Ileum 56b 87a 54b 77a 40c 87a 21d 77a 2.76 *** *** *** *** *** ** ***
P disappearance
Duo/Jej, % 20e 44b,c 11f 39c,d 46b 61a 38d 45b,c 2.68 *** *** *** * *** n.s. *
Duo/Jej, g/kg DM 0.9e 2.0d 0.5f 1.7d 3.5b 4.5a 2.8c 3.2b 0.15 *** *** *** *** * n.s. *
Ileum, % 48 68 41 60 62 76 48 59 1.65 *** *** *** ** ** n.s. n.s.
Ileum, g/kg DM 2.2 3.1 1.7 2.7 4.6 5.6 3.6 4.3 0.09 *** *** *** *** n.s. n.s. n.s.
Ca disappearance
Duo/Jej, % 37b,c 40a,b 38a,b 39a,b 37b,c 41a 35c 29d 1.20 *** *** n.s. *** * *** **
Duo/Jej, g/kg DM 2.2f 2.5d,e 3.8a,b 3.9a 2.3e,f 2.5d 3.5b 2.8c 0.09 *** *** n.s. *** *** *** **
Ileum, % 57a,b 53b,c 55a,b 50c 51c 57a 41d 38d 1.22 *** *** n.s. *** ** ** *
Ileum, g/kg DM 3.3 3.4 5.4 5.0 3.1 3.6 4.1 3.7 0.09 *** *** n.s. *** n.s. *** n.s.

1Data are given as treatment means; n = 7 pens.

2Calculated composition: P-, 4.1 g P/kg DM; P+, 6.9 g P/kg DM; Ca-, 6.2 g Ca/kg DM: Ca+, 10.3 g Ca/kg DM; Phy-, 0 FTU/kg; Phy+, 1,500 FTU/kg as fed.

3 P-values are indicated as follows: n.s., P ≥ 0.10; †, P < 0.10; *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.

a–fMeans within a row not showing a common superscript differ (P < 0.05).