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. 2018 May;141(5):e20173845. doi: 10.1542/peds.2017-3845


Characteristics of the TGNC Children and Adolescents Enrolled in the STRONG

Child and Adolescent Characteristics Transfeminine Cohort Transmasculine Cohort
Transfeminine Cohort, n (%) Reference Males, n (%) Reference Females, n (%) Transmasculine Cohort, n (%) Reference Males, n (%) Reference Females, n (%)
Age,a y
 3–9 161 (27) 1605 (28) 1598 (28) 90 (12) 892 (12) 888 (12)
 10–17 427 (73) 4206 (72) 4204 (72) 655 (88) 6448 (88) 6459 (88)
Health plan site
 KPNC 344 (59) 3392 (58) 3378 (58) 431 (58) 4238 (58) 4245 (58)
 KPSC 227 (39) 2249 (39) 2254 (39) 295 (40) 2915 (40) 2912 (40)
 KPGA 17 (2.9) 170 (2.9) 170 (2.9) 19 (2.6) 187 (2.6) 190 (2.6)
Race and/or ethnicity
 Non-Hispanic white 268 (46) 2633 (45) 2629 (45) 374 (50) 3663 (50) 3671 (50)
 Non-Hispanic African American 53 (9.0) 523 (9.0) 521 (9.0) 57 (7.7) 564 (7.7) 564 (7.7)
 Asian American and/or Pacific Islander 37 (6.3) 367 (6.3) 370 (6.4) 60 (8.1) 596 (8.1) 594 (8.1)
 Hispanic 179 (30) 1779 (31) 1772 (31) 204 (27) 2018 (27) 2020 (27)
 Other and/or unknown 51 (8.7) 509 (8.8) 510 (8.8) 50 (6.7) 499 (6.8) 498 (6.8)
Use ever before index date (average visits per y)
 0 22 (3.7) 325 (5.6) 321 (5.5) 23 (3.1) 367 (5.0) 350 (4.8)
 <1 15 (2.6) 568 (9.8) 530 (9.1) 25 (3.4) 763 (10) 746 (10)
 1–3 127 (22) 1815 (31) 1879 (32) 154 (21) 2583 (35) 2562 (35)
 >3–6 171 (29) 1712 (29) 1781 (31) 240 (32) 2200 (30) 2235 (30)
 >6–9 115 (20) 757 (13) 763 (13) 107 (14) 795 (11) 777 (11)
 >9 137 (23) 631 (11) 528 (9.1) 196 (26) 630 (8.6) 675 (9.2)
 Unknown 1 (0.2) 3 (0.1) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 2 (0.0) 2 (0.0)
Use 6 mo before index date (average visits per mo)
 0 101 (17) 2225 (38) 2062 (36) 111 (15) 2825 (39) 2502 (34)
 <1 258 (44) 2846 (49) 2903 (50) 277 (37) 3531 (48) 3640 (50)
 1–2 141 (24) 552 (9.5) 625 (11) 195 (26) 757 (10) 901 (12)
 >2 87 (15) 186 (3.2) 212 (3.7) 162 (22) 225 (3.1) 302 (4.1)
 Unknown 1 (0.2) 2 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 2 (0.0) 2 (0.0)
Total 588 (2.1) 5811 (21) 5802 (21) 745 (2.7) 7340 (27) 7347 (27)

KPGA, Kaiser Permanente Georgia; KPNC, Kaiser Permanente Northern California; KPSC, Kaiser Permanente Southern California.


Assessed at index date (date of first evidence of transgender status in EMRs).