Figure 8. Effects of insulin and/or hCG on fibrosis-related gene and protein expression, and liver functional markers in the rat liver.
Relative levels of mRNAs (A) and protein (B) of major markers for hepatic stellate cell activation were determined by qRT-PCR and Western blot analysis. For immunoblotting quantification, total proteins served as the loading control. Data in A represent means of n = 6/group ± SEM, and data in B are means of n = 9/group ± SEM. Comparison of circulating PIIINP (C), HA (D), ALT (E), AST (F), RBP4 (G), and liver RBP4 (H) are shown. Data in C–H represent means of n = 12/group. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.