Ad5.GFP transduces primary MTM cells and knockdown of Bambi using Ad5.Cre increases fibronectin and collagen-1 expression. (A) MTM cells were transduced for 12 hours with Ad5.GFP at 25, 50, 100, and 200 MOI followed by incubation for 48 hours in serum-free medium (n = 4 replicates). Ad5.GFP at 200 MOI had the highest transduction efficiency and 100 MOI had the highest cellular health. (B) MTM cells were cultured to confluency and transduced for 12 hours with Ad5.Cre at 50, 100, and 200 MOI. After 12 hours of incubation, cells were cultured for 48 hours in serum-free medium. Ad5.Cre knockdown of Bambi induces the expression of fibronectin and collagen-1 expression at 50, 100, and 200 MOI (n = 3 replicates).