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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Apr 24.
Published in final edited form as: J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2016 Apr 1;18(2):213–223. doi: 10.3171/2016.2.PEDS15531


Summary of VP shunt ventricular catheters included in statistical analysis

Catheter No. Patient No. Patient Age (mos) Patient Sex Hydrocephalus Etiology Time Catheter Implanted (days) Catheter Make Primary Cellular Response Notes
1 1 0.33 M Myelo 7 Med A Microglia
2 2 44 M IVH 13 Med A Microglia
3 3 5 F IVH 40 Med A Microglia
4 4 6 M IVH 46 Med A Microglia
5 5 1 M AS 23 Med A Microglia Microglia response example in Fig. 4
6 6 20 F Tumor 41 Cod B H Microglia
7 7 122 M AC (quadrigeminal) 3 Med A Microglia
8* 8* 151 F DWV 4 Cod B H Mixed
9* 8* 151 F DWV 4 Cod B H Mixed
10 2 33 M IVH 130 Med A Mixed
11 9 10 F DW 128 Med A Mixed
12 10 234 M IVH 62 Med A Mixed
13 11 206 F AS 13 Med A Mixed Secondary attachment of sparse cells w/punctate TTR+ labeling via astrocytes in 5/16 holes imaged
14 12 109 F IVH (loculated) 64 Med A Mixed Secondary attachment of TTR+ cells via astrocytes in 3/16 holes imaged
15 12 110 F IVH (loculated) 28 Med A Mixed
16 12 110 F IVH (loculated) 1 Med A Mixed
17 13 4 M IVH 12 Med A Mixed Mixed response example in Fig. 4
18 14 2.5 M Myelo 73 Med A Mixed Extensive secondary attachment of choroid plexus (Fig. 6)
19 9 6 F DW 59 Med A Astrocyte Example in Fig. 2; secondary attachment of TTR+ cells in 1/16 holes imaged
20 15 153 F Myelo 8 Cod B H Astrocyte
21 16 9 M IVH 215 Med A Astrocyte Secondary attachment of TTR+ cells in 3/16 holes imaged (Fig. 5)
22 17 244 F Myelo 3873 Cod AF Astrocyte Secondary attachment of TTR+ cells in 1/20 holes imaged
23 12 110 F IVH (loculated) 2312 Med S Astrocyte Astrocyte response example in Fig. 4; sparse secondary attachment of TTR+ cells in 1/16 holes imaged
24 18 33 M AC (suprasellar) 632 Cod B M Astrocyte

AC = arachnoid cyst; AS = aqueductal stenosis; Cod AF = Codman Accu-Flo; Cod B H = Codman Bactiseal Holter; Cod B M = Codman Bactiseal Medos; DW = Dandy-Walker; DWV = Dandy-Walker variant; IVH = intraventricular hemorrhage of prematurity; Med A = Medtronic Ares; Med S = Medtronic barium-impregnated ventricular catheter; Myelo = myelomeningocele; TTR+ = TTR positive.


The 2 catheters received from Patient 8 were implanted and explanted at the same time and demonstrated nearly identical mixed cellular responses and, as such, were tabulated only once for the purposes of statistical analysis.