Fig. 5.
EXAFS data, fits, and scattering paths. a A comparison of EXAFS spectra for U@POP-AO, U@POP-pNH2-AO, and U@POP-oNH2-AO revealing significant qualitative similarities. b Graphical depictions of the crystal structures used to generate theoretical scattering paths to fit the EXAFS data. The dashed red circle displays the coordination shells for amidoxime- and carbonate-bound uranyl. Atoms displayed in light gray are not used to generate scattering paths but are included to display the complete molecular structure. EXAFS data and fits for c U@POP-AO, d U@POP-pNH2-AO, and e U@POP-oNH2-AO. The graphical depiction of the amidoxime species is displayed by each fit for clarity. The magnitude of the Fourier transform is plotted in black, the real space component in gray, and fits in solid and dashed red, respectively. In all plots the inset is the k3-weighted χ(k) data and corresponding fit