(A–H) Representative images of P7 mouse retinal vasculature stained with isolectin B4 (top rows) and αSMA (middle rows). A quarter region, or leaflet, is shown for UBC+/+Vhlfl/fl, UBC+/+Vhlfl/2B, UBCCreER/+Vhlfl/fl, and UBCCreER/+Vhlfl/2B littermate retinas exposed to tamoxifen and subjected to either control treatment (DMSO, A–D) or Notch inhibition (DAPT, E–H). Scale bars: 200 μm. (I) Percent length of primary artery covered by αSMA+ cells in control (triangles) and Notch-inhibited (squares) P7 vascular networks. *P ≤ 0.05 vs. control UBC+/+Vhlfl/fl and UBC+/+Vhlfl/2B, and vs. Notch-inhibited within same genotype. (J) Diameter of primary retinal artery measured from control (triangles) and Notch-inhibited (squares) P7 vascular networks. *P ≤ 0.05 vs. control UBC+/+Vhlfl/fl and UBC+/+Vhlfl/2B, and vs. Notch-inhibited within same genotype. (K) Percent mislocalization of αSMA expression not associated with primary retinal arteries in control (triangles) and Notch-inhibited (squares) retinas. *P ≤ 0.05 vs. control UBC+/+Vhlfl/fl and UBC+/+Vhlfl/2B, and vs. Notch-inhibited within same genotype. **P ≤ 0.05 vs. control UBC+/+Vhlfl/fl, and vs. Notch-inhibited UBC+/+Vhlfl/2B. Values are averages ± SEM. n = 6–8 retina images per group (i.e., 3–4 from 2 experimental litters). All statistical comparisons performed using 1-way ANOVA followed by pair-wise comparisons with a 2-tailed Student t test.