Table 2.
The Athlete Sleep Behavior Questionnaire (ASBQ).
No. | In recent times (over the last month)… | Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Frequently | Always |
1 | I take afternoon naps lasting two or more hours | |||||
2 | I use stimulants when I train/compete (e.g caffeine) | |||||
3 | I exercise (train or compete) late at night (after 7pm) | |||||
4 | I consume alcohol within 4 hours of going to bed | |||||
5 | I go to bed at different times each night (more than ±1 hour variation) | |||||
6 | I go to bed feeling thirsty | |||||
7 | I go to bed with sore muscles | |||||
8 | I use light-emitting technology in the hour leading up to bedtime (e.g laptop, phone, television, video games) | |||||
9 | I think, plan and worry about my sporting performance when I am in bed | |||||
10 | I think, plan and worry about issues not related to my sport when I am in bed | |||||
11 | I use sleeping pills/tablets to help me sleep | |||||
12 | I wake to go to the bathroom more than once per night | |||||
13 | I wake myself and/or my bed partner with my snoring | |||||
14 | I wake myself and/or my bed partner with my muscle twitching | |||||
15 | I get up at different times each morning (more than ±1 hour variation) | |||||
16 | At home, I sleep in a less than ideal environment (e.g too light, too noisy, uncomfortable bed/pillow, too hot/cold) | |||||
17 | I sleep in foreign environments (e.g hotel rooms) | |||||
18 | Travel gets in the way of building a consistent sleep-wake routine |
Never = 1, Rarely = 2, Sometimes = 3, Frequently = 4, Always = 5 Total Global Score: _________