Fig. 5.
CCR-6+ lymphocytes promote CAC. a Body weight loss in % of NCD-fed Ccr6WT (n = 10) and Ccr6KO (n = 11) mice at day 5 to day 13 of the 1.5% AOM/DSS protocol. b–d qPCR analysis of indicated gene expression in non-colitic and colitic colons of 8- and 10-week-old NCD-fed control Ccr6WT and Ccr6KO at day 0 and day 13 of the 1.5% AOM/DSS protocol (n = 5), results are presented relative to non-colitic Ccr6WT colons. e Tumour number of 17-week-old NCD (n = 17–13) and HFD (n = 9–12)-fed control Ccr6WT and Ccr6KO mice counted at day 62 of the 1.5% AOM/DSS protocol. f H&E staining of colons from NCD-fed 17-week-old Ccr6WT and Ccr6KO mice at day 62 of the 1.5% AOM/DSS protocol. AOM, azoxymethane; DSS, dextran sodium sulphate; NCD, normal chow diet; HFD, high-fat diet; CAC, colitis-associated colorectal cancer. Data are represented as mean + SEM or centre line: median; box limits: 1st and 3rd quartiles; whisker: maximum to minimum, *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01 and ***p ≤ 0.001 two-way ANOVA followed by Fisher LSD a–e. Scale bar, 50 μm