Figure 2.
Overview of calcium pathways assessed in this study. Mechanisms of Ca2+ transport are given in bold, the respective interfering substance in italics. Intracellular pathways are denoted in green, transport across the cell membrane in blue and non-physiological mechanisms (i.e. cell perforation) in red. In the case of lidocaine, the substance does not interfere directly with the VDCCs but with voltage-dependent sodium channels, which would in turn activate the VDCCs. Calcium ions (white spheres) can be transported to the cytoplasm from the outside medium or intracellular sources, using both physiological and pathophysiological pathways. The MPT pore is closed under physiological conditions. Membrane channels of the ER can be triggered via a positive feedback loop which induces calcium-induced calcium release. TRP, transient receptor potential channels; VDCCs, voltage dependent calcium channels; IP3R, inositol trisphosphate receptors; RyR, ryanodine receptors; NCLX, mitochondrial sodium calcium exchanger; ER, endoplasmic reticulum. Figure elements from Servier Medical Art (