Figure 7.
(a) Timeline for the creation of the orthotopic MDA-MB-468 breast cancer xenograft mouse model and the treatment schedule. Mice were separated into five groups and treated with PBS, free AF, empty targeted micelles (Empty T), or AF-encapsulated QD-PLA-PEG-Nb targeted micelles (AF-T) or QD-PLA-PEG nontargeted micelles (AF-NT)). After the last injection, the mice were kept for 4 weeks. The tumor volumes (n = 6) were measured every 4 days. (b) Normalized tumor volume (VX/V0) as a function of the treatment time. AF-encapsulated targeted (AF-T) micelles were found to effectively lead to tumor regression. * indicates p < 0.05 between AF-T and AF-NT at or after Day 16. *** indicates p < 0.001 between AF-T and free AF, and between AF-NT and free AF at or after Day 16.