Fig. 4.
Pooled marginal effects estimates (mean log hazard ratios, with 95% CI) from stratified model analysis for temperature (a) and saturation vapor pressure deficit (b), and from mixed effects model analysis for temperature (c) and saturation vapor pressure deficit (d). Results for Aedes aegypti are indicated with solid lines, and for Ae. albopictus by dashed lines. Estimates in a and c are relative to a reference of Ae. aegypti at 27.5 °C, and in b and d are relative to a reference of Ae. aegypti at full saturation (100% RH). Plots in c and d provide median (blue lines) and 95% CI (blue shading) from the mixed effects model, with mean estimates from stratified analyses provided for comparison (gray lines). Estimates are restricted to the range of values present in the data for each species