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. 2018 Apr 25;13(4):e0194526. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194526

Table 2. Performance analysis using adaptive or weighted feature fusion of SURF-FREAK descriptors on the Corel-1000 image collection (bold values indicate best performance).

Weight W of SURF-FREAK MAP performance (in %) on the different sizes of the dictionary
20 50 100 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
1.0–0.0 64.44 66.80 69.67 69.89 70.34 72.79 70.26 69.66 69.54
0.9–0.1 65.03 66.91 70.16 70.31 70.82 72.89 72.16 72.81 69.21
0.8–0.2 65.14 67.11 70.23 70.43 70.91 72.99 72.81 72.99 68.02
0.7–0.3 65.23 67.24 70.29 70.63 71.23 73.11 73.02 73.39 67.91
0.6–0.4 65.45 67.38 70.38 70.71 71.41 73.23 73.59 73.82 67.73
0.5–0.5 65.51 67.48 70.48 70.84 71.63 73.51 73.81 73.98 67.71
0.4–0.6 65.59 67.88 70.83 71.03 71.89 73.83 73.89 74.05 67.68
0.3–0.7 65.43 67.83 70.81 70.98 71.83 73.78 73.51 74.01 67.66
0.2–0.8 65.39 67.76 70.62 70.91 71.65 73.68 73.32 73.93 67.64
0.1–0.9 64.21 67.09 70.06 70.86 71.51 73.53 72.08 73.82 67.62
0.0–1.0 61.99 64.01 66.89 67.88 66.40 67.68 69.99 66.41 67.60