Figure 1.
Unitary outward K+ currents via KD channels versus EM, from a representative “inside-out” patch of a S. saman extensor cell protoplast, during a slow voltage ramp. A, A linearly increasing voltage ramp applied to the patch membrane. B, Three traces of current (superimposed) during the voltage ramp. Note the “up and down steps” signifying opening and closing of KD channels. Straight lines—fitted manually to open-channel currents—indicate idealized current levels through “n” (nos. to the right) simultaneously open KD channels. Note the increase of “n” with the increased depolarization. ILeak, Current recorded when all KD channels are closed. Erev, −79 mV. C, Initial analysis. IS, Mean of three current records; iS, idealized unitary current through a single open channel; ILeak, as in B; 0, the level of zero current. D, Voltage dependence of KD channel activation. The n̄ was calculated as a point-by-point ratio of currents in C (corrected for leak; Eq. 2). Note that n̄ increases with membrane depolarization. Dashed line, Boltzmann relationship (Eq. 4), with the following parameters (see “Materials and Methods”): n̄max = 5.9; E1/2= −37 mV; z = 1.4.