Fig 2.
Agarose gel showing specificity (A) and sensitivity (B) using PtRA68F/R primers set. (A) Specificity test using DNA templates of different Puccinia spp. Lanes: M: 1 kb ladder, Fermentas; 1–10: DNA template of P. triticina (1–12, 2-12-1, 3-12-2, 4–77, 5-77-1, 6-77-2,7-77-5, 8-77-6, 9-77-8, 10-104-2); 11–13: P. striiformis f. sp. tritici (46S119, 38S102 and 78S84); 14–15: P. graminis f. sp. tritici (40–1 and 40-A); 16-Bipolaris sorokiniana (BS-75); 17: B. oryzae (BO-1); 18:-Healthy wheat leaf DNA; 19: sterile water. (B) Sensitivity test using different concentration of template DNA. Lanes: M: 1kb ladder, Fermentas; 1: 100ng; 2: 50ng; 3: 10ng; 4: 1ng; 5: 500pg; 6: 100pg; 7: 50pg; 8: 25pg DNA as a template, 9: sterile water.