Fig 6.
Validation (A and B) and utilization of LAMP assay (C) for diagnosis of leaf rust of wheat. A. Visual detection of LAMP reaction using HNB dye; B. Visual detection of LAMP reaction using EtBr dye; Lanes1- sterile water; 2-DNA from uninoculated healthy plant; 3- 0h 4- 24h, 5- 48h, 6- DNA template of Puccinia triticina (positive control). C. Utilization of LAMP assay for diagnosis of leaf rust in field samples using agarose gel electrophoresis. Lanes: M: 100bp molecular marker, Fermentas; 1–7: DNA template of wheat leaf rust infected samples; 8-healthy wheat leaf DNA; 9- sterile water; 10- DNA template of Puccinia triticina (positive control).