The SAM images of nine day old pCLV3::LhG4; p6xOP::ARR1ΔDDK-GR seedling showing pTCSn::mGFP5-ER reporter expression (A-E), WUS protein (pWUS::eGFP-WUS) accumulation (F-J), and CLV3 expression (pCLV3::mGFP5-ER) (K-O) in Mock-treated plants (A, F, K) and at 6 hrs (B, G, L), 12 hrs (C, H, M), 24 hrs (D, I, N), and 48hrs (E, J, O) after Dex treatment. The cell layers in SAMs are marked; the L1 and the L2 are monolayers. The multilayer L3 has been divided into the apical L3 layer and the basal L3 layers. The pith is located beneath the basal L3 layers. Insets for each image show the areas identified by black arrowheads at 4x zoom and white arrowheads show the boundaries of reporter accumulation. Autofluorescence is denoted by grey arrowheads and is characterized by multiple foci in a single cell. mGFP-ER and eGFP (green) are overlaid on FM4-64 (red) plasma membrane stain. The scale bars = 50 μm for all images.