(A-I) Genes with SOX9 binding motifs located within 200bp from SOX9 ChIP-seq peaks (Generated from newborn rib chondrocytes) were selected for validation. In vivo expression patterns of potential SOX9 targets were validated by in situ hybridization: Zbtb20 (A), Wwp2 (B), Ppa1 (D), Bnip3 (E), Slc8a3 (F), Wnk4 (G) and Col10a1 (H); or immunostaining: FOXP2 (C) and SOX9 (I), revealing similar expression trends with the microarray data as shown on the left side. The PZ, PHZ and HZ were separated by the white-dot lines. (Bar = 100μm). Predicted SOX9 binding sites (BS: binding site) and SOX9 ChIP-seq signals (BR: binding region) (Green) are shown under each gene.