Figure 6.
Plasma membrane localization of PIN2-GFP in NO-depleted roots during gravitropism. Arabidopsis seedlings were vertically grown for 3 days and then, treated with the indicated concentrations of cPTIO as NO scavenger, or water as control for 60 min before being rotated by 90°. (A) Localization of PIN2-GFP at the plasma membrane of epidermal root cells is shown as false colors in representative roots from control, 0.2 and 1.0 mM cPTIO treated seedlings at 120 min after gravistimulation. Arrowheads indicate PIN2-GFP fluorescence signal at the plasma membrane. (B) Ratio of PIN2-GFP signal intensity between lower and upper sides of gravistimulated roots. Means (±SE) of at least 3 independent experiments were analyzed, n ≥ 17. P-values in comparison to non-gravistimulated treatment calculated with two-tailed Student's t-test, **P ≤ 0.01.