Fig. 6.
{Me′Me″}-pair combinations in the chemical space. In the Bi(Me′Me″)O3-PT chemical space, where there are 23 cations (of different nominal valence) that can potentially occupy the Me′ or Me″ sites, we have a total of 75 possible {Me′Me″} pairs (thin black lines). However, only 13 such pairs (highlighted in dark blue line) are experimentally explored in the literature and are included in our training set. In this work, we predict and experimentally synthesize four new pairs (highlighted in red line) that are identified as potential high-temperature ferroelectric perovskites by ML. Among them, three pairs (highlighted in full red line)—{FeCo}, {NiSn}, and {CoAl}—are experimentally found to form in the perovskite structure and are identified as promising systems for further investigation. One of the pairs (dotted red line), {YbAl}, was predicted to be a promising high TC perovskite by ML, but XRD revealed presence of secondary phases (therefore, unsuccessful)