mean stiffness and maximum load for males and females by generation after adjustments for body mass and age from general linear model ANOVAs. Error bars are standard deviations. The first three bars in each graph represent the males for that generation while the last three represent the females. Controls are in black, lower dose in dark grey, and upper dose in light grey. The most pronounced difference is evident for first generation males because they have reduced stiffness and maximum load to the levels at or below those for females of the same generation. The adult mouse was the unit of measurement. Moving left to right through the bars on each graph A and B: F1 generation males (N= 13, 5, and 15) and F1 generation females (N= 8, 4, and 12). C and D: F2 generation males (N= 18, 18, and 21) and F2 generation females (N= 9, 4, and 12). The number of litters represented in each treatment group, moving left to right through the bars on each graph A and B: F1 generation males (N= 3, 3, and 5) and F1 generation females (N = 2, 1, and 3). C and D: F2 generation males (N = 7, 4, and 7) and F2 generation females (N = 3, 1, and 4).