Figure 2.
CD155 expression controls lung metastasis in mice. Inhibition of cancer metastasis by an anti-CD155 mAb. K7M2 cells were pretreated with PBS, control rat IgG or anti-CD155 mAb. BALB/c mice were given the treated K7M2 cells (1×106) by i.v. injection and the numbers of pulmonary metastases in the different groups were counted on day 21 after the injection. (A) Images of metastasized lungs. (B) Numbers of tumor nodules in the lungs. Lack of effect of the anti-CD155 mAb on tumor growth. The mice with tumors reached 100–150 mm3 were injected i.v. with PBS, control rat IgG or anti-CD155 mAb three times per week for 4 weeks. The tumor dimensions were measured and the mean tumor volume in each group was monitored. (C) Tumor growth curve. (D) Tumor weight on day 42. Data are presented as the mean ± standard deviation (n=8), *P<0.05.