Overexpression of miR-192-5p suppressed osteosarcoma cell migration and invasion, and enhanced the sensitivity of osteosarcoma cells to cisplatin. (A) Wound-healing assay revealed that the migratory ability of 143B and U2OS cells was suppressed by miR-192-5p mimics (magnification, ×100). (B) Transwell assay was conducted to evaluate the invasion of 143B and U2OS cells following treatment with mR-192-5p, which suggested that the capacity of invasion was significantly decreased in the treatment group (magnification, ×100). (C) The response of 143B cells to cisplatin enhanced following transfection with the miR-192 mimic compared to the negative control. (D) The response of U2OS cells to cisplatin enhanced following transfection with the miR-192 mimic compared with the negative control. Data are presented as the mean ± standard deviation of 3 independent assays. *P<0.05 and **P<0.01 vs. miR-NC. miR, microRNA; NC, negative control.