Structural characterizations of the T/TH ridge and localization of the C-terminal domains of FAP43 and FAP44 to the ridge. (A, B) Isosurface rendering in cross-sectional (A) and bottom (B) views of the averaged axonemal repeats from wild-type Tetrahymena. Note that in this figure all cross-sections are viewed from the ciliary tip toward the cell body for an unobstructed view of the ridge density (red arrows). Blue planes in A and B indicate the locations viewed in bottom views (B, G–I) and cross-sections (C–I), respectively. The T/TH ridge (red arrows) extends from protofilament A2 near the inner junction between the A- and B-tubule (At, Bt) to A4 (also see Supplemental Figure S4, A and C). (C–F) Cross-sectional tomographic slices (left) and three-dimensional isosurface renderings (right) reveal an interaction of the T/TH ridge with the tail of inner dynein arm d (IDA d) in wild type of T. thermophila and C. reinhardtii and a gap between IDA d tail and the A-tubule (white arrows) in T. thermophila fap43 (D) and C. reinhardtii fap44 (F). (G–I) Comparisons of tomographic slices (left, in cross view) and three-dimensional isosurface renderings (right, in bottom view as shown in B) among the averaged axonemal repeats from T. thermophila wild type (G), fap43bccp (H), and fap44bccp (I) to show the location of the C-termini of FAP43 and FAP44; note that the extra density corresponding to the BCCP-streptavidin-gold label (yellow arrows and isosurface coloring in H and I) was not observed in wild type (white arrows in G) or control samples (Supplemental Figure S4, E and F). (J) Schematic drawing of the tether (red) and tetherhead (dark red) complex and I1 dynein (I1α and I1β motor domains, green; ICLC complex, purple) in the longitudinal direction (left) and magnified bottom view (right); FAP43 and FAP44 are predicted to interact with each other through their C-terminal ridge-forming coiled-coil domains; yellow dots indicate the location of the gold (Au) labels in fap43bccp and fap44bccp (compare to H and I). Other labels: ICLC (purple), intermediate and light chain complex; N-DRC, nexin dynein regulatory complex; ODA, outer dynein arm; RS, radial spoke (RS3 is orange colored). Scale bar: 20 nm (valid for EM images in C–I).