Schematic model to summarize the structural features and potential functions of the T/TH complex. (A) In wild-type cilia, the tether head (TH, dark red) binds to the I1 dynein motor domains I1α and I1β (green), and the tether (T, red) connects the tether head to the A-tubule through the anchoring ridge structure. Structurally the T/TH complex links several major axonemal complexes; blue arrows indicate potential (direct) signaling pathways between the T/TH complex and these axonemal structures that are involved in regulating ciliary motility. The dotted red line indicates a transient connection between the T/TH and the I1 intermediate chain light chain complex (ICLC, purple) that is only visible in specific regions of actively beating cilia (Lin and Nicastro, 2018). (B) Failure to assemble the T/TH complex in mutants may cause interruption (blocked blue lines) of signal transduction through the T/TH complex from/to the following complexes: radial spoke 3 (RS3, orange), inner dynein arm d (IDA d, rose), the I1α and I1β dynein motor domains, and the I 1 ICLC, as well as indirectly the other dynein arms (ODA), IDA a and the nexin dynein regulatory complex (N-DRC). The T/TH complex seems also involved in proper function of the kinase/phosphatase, indicated by the hyperphosphorylation (P) of IC138 and reduction of CK1. Together, loss of the T/TH complex resulted in impaired ciliary motility.