Demographics |
Q1 |
Your age (y) and gender (m, f) |
Q2 |
Your country of employment |
Q3 |
Your place of work: radiology, nuc, joint common rad-nuc, nuc as part of rad, other |
Q4 |
Who is the head of your department (if any): rad, nuc, physics, other ...? |
Q5 |
Are you an MD w/ or w/o board certification (Nuc, Rad, Nuc/Rad, other)? |
Q6 |
How many years of hybrid imaging experience do you have (y): SPECT/CT, PET/CT, PET/MR? |
Training |
Q7 |
In general, how confident do you feel when reporting hybrid imaging studies today (scale 1–10)? |
Q8 |
What type of continuous education means (hybrid imaging) do you employ for yourself: literature, on-line courses/webinars, conferences, special courses (inter−/national), or fellowships (multiple choice, and each option ir−/regularly)? |
Q9 |
In your country of employment, are there sufficient hybrid imaging experts (too few, too many, just right, don’t know)? |
Q10 |
Would you like a curriculum for a subspecialization for a certified, hybrid imaging expert (y, n, don’t know)? |
Q11 |
Would you like a joint curriculum (common trunk residency, or alike) for radiology and nuclear medicine (y/n)? |
Q12 |
Are you aware of the Joint White Paper of ESR and EANM ( (y/n)? |
Cross-fertilization |
Q13 |
From your perspective, how well do the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) work together (scale 1–10)? |
Q14 |
From your perspective, how well do your national Associations for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine work together (scale 1–10)? |
Q15 |
From your personal experience, how well do radiologists and nuclear medicine specialists work together at your local hospital/institution/site (scale 1–10)? |
Q16 |
What would you like to see happening in the next 5 years with regards to hybrid imaging (free text)? |
Q17 |
In your opinion, what could radiology learn from nuclear medicine (free text) and what could nuclear medicine learn from radiology (free text)? |