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. 2018 Apr 26;18:15. doi: 10.1186/s40644-018-0148-6

Table 1.

Hybrid Imaging Survey with 17 questions geared towards the probing the knowledge and attitude of young healthcare professionals in the context of clinical hybrid imaging

Q1 Your age (y) and gender (m, f)
Q2 Your country of employment
Q3 Your place of work: radiology, nuc, joint common rad-nuc, nuc as part of rad, other
Q4 Who is the head of your department (if any): rad, nuc, physics, other ...?
Q5 Are you an MD w/ or w/o board certification (Nuc, Rad, Nuc/Rad, other)?
Q6 How many years of hybrid imaging experience do you have (y): SPECT/CT, PET/CT, PET/MR?
Q7 In general, how confident do you feel when reporting hybrid imaging studies today (scale 1–10)?
Q8 What type of continuous education means (hybrid imaging) do you employ for yourself: literature, on-line courses/webinars, conferences, special courses (inter−/national), or fellowships (multiple choice, and each option ir−/regularly)?
Q9 In your country of employment, are there sufficient hybrid imaging experts (too few, too many, just right, don’t know)?
Q10 Would you like a curriculum for a subspecialization for a certified, hybrid imaging expert (y, n, don’t know)?
Q11 Would you like a joint curriculum (common trunk residency, or alike) for radiology and nuclear medicine (y/n)?
Q12 Are you aware of the Joint White Paper of ESR and EANM ( (y/n)?
Q13 From your perspective, how well do the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) work together (scale 1–10)?
Q14 From your perspective, how well do your national Associations for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine work together (scale 1–10)?
Q15 From your personal experience, how well do radiologists and nuclear medicine specialists work together at your local hospital/institution/site (scale 1–10)?
Q16 What would you like to see happening in the next 5 years with regards to hybrid imaging (free text)?
Q17 In your opinion, what could radiology learn from nuclear medicine (free text) and what could nuclear medicine learn from radiology (free text)?