Figure 2.
Effects of preservation solutions on primary non-function. A: Meta-analysis of the relative risk (-RR-) of PNF comparing studies using different preservation solutions: UW vs Celsior and UW vs HTK; B: Forest plot for subgroup analysis of PNF; and C: Funnel plot for PNF in studies. Squares represent individual study effects, with the size of the box relating to the weight of the study in the meta-analysis. Each diamond represents a summary effect from meta-analysis. Horizontal bars represent 95% CIs. There is no evidence of a small study effect in the test or the formal plot. PNF: Primary non-function; RCTs: Randomized controlled trials; ES: Effect size; UW: University of Wisconsin solution; HTK: Histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate solution; CS: Celsior solution; IGL-1: Institut Georges Lopez solution.