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. 2018 Apr 26;62(5):e02390-17. doi: 10.1128/AAC.02390-17


Patient characteristicsa (n = 10)

Patient Age (yr) Sex Wt (kg) SOFA score Temp (°C) Pump speed (LPM) Centrifugal pump speed (RPM) Sweep gas flow (LPM) Heparin dose (IE/h) CRRT Microbiologyb Amt of:
P-creatinine (μmol/liter) Bilirubin (μmol/liter) Albumin (g/liter)
1 58 F 91 8 37.0 3.72 2,955 4.5 500 Yes IFV A1 133 17 27
2 30 F 55 9 35.9 3.42 2,660 3.5 200 Yes IFV A1 129 12 39
3 59 M 115 13 36.1 4.70 3,300 5.0 700 Yes S. pneumoniae 117 96 31
4 48 M 80 9 36.4 4.57 3,000 7.0 2,000 Yes IFV A,1 galactomannan2 67 10 21
5 59 M 101 13 36.3 4.76 3,355 3.0 600 Yes IFV A,1 S. maltophilia3 222 36 29
6 46 F 134 10 36.4 4.11 3,930 4.5 600 Yes IVF A,1 C. pneumoniae4 217 14 32
7 54 M 102 15 36.3 5.31 3,600 7.5 500 Yes IVF A,2 S. haemolyticus,3 enterococcus5 128 131 29
8 69 M 100 4 36.9 4.55 3,200 4.0 1,600 No S. pneumoniae2 77 16 22
9 65 F 80 13 36.6 4.65 3,180 6.0 1,600 Yes S. pneumoniae2,4 129 24 20
10 48 M 115 13 36.8 4.40 3,200 6.5 1,500 Yes IVF A,1 A streptococcus3,4 353 90 16
Median 56 100.5 11.5 36.4 4.56 3,200 4.75 650 129 20.5 28

All data were registered on day 1. Abbreviations: SOFA score, sequential organ failure assessment score; LPM, liters per minute; RPM, revolutions per minute; CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy; F, female; M, male; IFV A, influenza A virus; S. pneumoniae, Streptococcus pneumoniae; galactomannan, aspergillus galactomannan; C. pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae; S. haemolyticus, Staphylococcus haemolyticus; A streptococcus, group A streptococcus.


Origins of the pathogens are indicated by superscript numbers: 1, sputum; 2, bronchoalveolar lavage; 3, respiratory secretions; 4, blood; 5, scrotal skin.