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. 2018 Mar 28;10(4):140. doi: 10.3390/toxins10040140

Table 5.

Minimum, Maximum, Average ± SD dosage of each muscle in the three groups at the beginning of the study. In the first group, soleus received the highest dose compared to the other muscles (average 73.3 ± 2.5 UI). In the second group, muscles with highest doses were biceps brachii, superficial flexorum digitorum, gastrocnemius medialis, gastrocnemius lateralis, soleus, and tibialis posterior. In the third group, muscles with high doses were adductor magnus and those listed in the previous group.

Muscles GR A 100–400 U
Min-Max (Average ± SD)
GR B 400–700 U
Min-Max (Average ± SD)
GR C 700–1000 U
Min-Max (Average ± SD)
Biceps brachii 50–80 (60.2 ± 10.3) 70–90 (82.3 ± 10.1) 80–100 (91.2 ± 10.1)
Brachioradialis 50–60 (55.5 ± 10.4) 70–80 (75.3 ± 2.2)
Triceps brachii 50–60 (55.2 ± 10.1) 80–90 (85.6 ± 2.2)
Superficial flexorumdigitorum 50–80 (60.6 ± 10.2) 50–90 (75.3 ± 10.3) 100–150 (122.3 ± 20.1)
Ulnar flexorumcarpis 50–60 (55.5 ± 2.2) 80–100 (85.6 ± 2.1)
Opponenspollicis 20–30 (22.2 ± 10.3) 30–40 (33.4 ± 1.1)
Rectus femoris 70–80 (74.2 ± 1.1)
Adductor magnus 50–60 (55.3 ± 10.2) 100–150 (132.3 ± 20.2)
Tibialis anterior 50–60 (55.3 ± 2.4)
Flexor alluci longus 40–50 (44.2 ± 3.3) 50–60 (54.2 ± 1.3)
Gastrocnemius medialis 60–80 (73.4 ± 10.5) 80 100–150 (132.4 ± 10.4)
Gastrocnemius lateralis 60–80 (72.5 ± 10.4) 80 100–150 (122.4 ± 11.6)
Soleus 70–80 (76.3 ± 2.5) 80–90 (88.3 ± 1.3) 100–150 (135.7 ± 17.4)
Tibialis posterior 70–80(84.9 ± 3.3) 100–120 (111.2 ± 2.4)
Flexor digitorum brevis 50–60 (55.6 ± 3.4) 80–100 (89.9 ± 5.6)
Biceps Femoris 70–90 (84.6 ± 9.7) 100–150 (145.7 ± 14.9)