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. 2018 Apr 17;15(4):781. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15040781

Table A1.

Questionnaire respondents.

Country Organization Position
AT Österreichische Diabetikervereinigung Chairwoman at national level
Österreichischer Herzverband (Landesverband Kärnten) President at regional level in Kärnten (retired)
Österreichische Krebshilfe Wien Managing director of Krebshilfe
SHÖ Schlaganfallhilfe Österreich Chairwoman SHÖ—Schlaganfallhilfe Österreich (stroke help Austria) (retired)
Pro mente oberösterreich Head of “pro mente arbeit” (branch of the organization addressing issues around mental health issues and work/profession)
Ottirol umbrella organization for support groups Head of regional umbrella association of support groups (Osttirol)
Support group headaches Assistant of managing director (head of support group)
Behindertenanwaltschaft “Behindertenanwalt” on national level
Dachverband Selbsthilfe Kärnten Managing director
CZ General Labor Office of Czech Republic Representative
NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) Cerebrum Representative
Government Committee for people with disabilities in Czech Republic Representative
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Representative
Occupational therapists Occupational therapists
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Head physician
First Medical Faculty Head of education
Rehalb Health & Medical Director
Prague committee of wheelchairs users User
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, founder of prevocational rehabilitation Former head
DE Südwestfälische Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Hagen (SIHK)
(South Westphalian Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Hagen)
Inclusion consultant
CBP—Caritas Behindertenhilfe und Psychiatrie e.V.
(Caritas Mental Help and Psychiatry)
Lawyer, Deputy Director
Sozialverband Deutschland (SoVD)
(Social Association of Germany)
Lawyer, Deputy Director of the Disability Policy Department
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Integrationsfirmen e.V. (bag if)
(National Working Group Integrative Companies)
Social worker, managing director
Bundesagentur für Arbeit
(Federal Employment Agency)
Physician in the department Medical Service
EL Department of Special Education, University of Thessaly Professors and Researcher A
Manpower Employment Organization—Employment Office for Special Social Groups Job consultant
The Greek Ombudsman Scientific staff—Human Rights Department
Panhellenic Union for the Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Work Integration Employment counsellor
Multiple Sclerosis Panthessalic Union Secretarial and administrative support - unemployed
Panhellenic Federation of Unions-Associations of persons with Diabetes Mellitus Biologist
Bone Health Society “Butterfly” General Practitioner
Association “Hellenic Pulmonary Hypertension” President of the Association “Hellenic Pulmonary Hypertension”
Social Cooperative Firm “La petite cantine” Representative of a Social Cooperative Firm
Greek Anticancer Society General Practitioner
ES Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales (Institute for the Elderly and Social Services IMSERSO) Worker of the State General Administration
Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (aecc) (Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC)) Social worker
Intecserveis Centros Especiales de Trabajo (CET) (Fundació Germà Benito Menni) (Brother Benito Menni Foundation) Social worker
Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu (PSSJD) Job developer/Labor insertor
Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu (PSSJD) Neurologist
Provincial Directorate of the National Social Security Institute Provincial Deputy Director of Support and Information of the National Institute of Social Security Barcelona
APACOR—Asociación De Pacientes Coronarios (Association of coronary patients) Retired Voluntareer
Fundación Lovexair (Lovexair foundation) Psychologist
PSSJD Social Worker
Servicio Andaluz de Saluz (SAS) (Andalusian Healthcare Service) Doctor
La Paz Hospital Traumatologist
Virgen del Rocio Hospital Neurologist
Foundation Carmen Pardo—Valcarce Director of Employment services
Hospital La princesa MD
Hospital La princesa MD, Respiratory unit
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Hospital La princesa Psychiatrist
Hospital La princesa MD
IT Fondazione IRCCS, Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta Social worker
LEDHA (Disabled persons’s rights Association) Social worker
A.O. Luigi Sacco—Hospital Psychiatric Consultant
A.O. Mellino Mellini—Hospital Mental Health Department Director
A.O. San Carlo Borromeo—Hospital Neurologist, Hospital Unit Director
ADPMI (Associazione Diabetici della Provincia di Milano) Association for patients with diabetes in Milan President of the Milan Diabetes Association and Coordinator
Rehabilitation Centre Villa Beretta—Ospedale Valduce Social worker
AIMaC, (Associazione Italiana Malati di Cancro) Italian Association for patients with cancer, caregivers and friends Vice President
U.O. Broncopneumologia, A.O. di Busto Arsizio—Tradate—Saronno (Hospital, Bronchopneumology Unit) Healthcare assistent
AICCA Onlus, Associazione Italiana dei Cardiopatici Congeniti Adulti. (Italian association of congenital heart patients) Counselor—Peer Counselor
NO Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) Buskerud Advisor for persons with chronic diseases, HR (human resources) management
NAV Hamar Advisor
SI Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (Ministrstvo za delo, družino, scialne zadeve in enake možnosti) Secretary at the Ministry
Employment Service of Slovenia (Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje) Adviser
University Rehabilitation Institute, Republic of Slovenia (Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut Republike Slovenije—Soča Head of Development Centre of Vocational Rehabilitation
Šentprima—Institute for Rehabilitation and Education (Šentprima—Zavod za svetovanje, usposabljanje in rehabilitacijo invalidov) Director
SONČEK—Cerebral Palsy Association of Slovenia (SONČEK—Zveza društvev za cerebralno paralizo Slovenije) Social worker
Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia (Združenje delovnih invalidov Slovenije) President
Slovenian Paraplegic Association Project/program manager
ŠENT (Slovensko združenje za duševno zdravje)—Slovenian Association for Mental Health (ŠENT—Slovensko združenje za duševno zdravje) President of ŠENT Users Council of people with mental health problems
Muscular Dystrophy Association of Slovenia (Društvo distrofikov Slovenije) Secretary
Centerkontura; Slovenian Association of Vocational Rehabilitation Providers Director of Centerkontura (vocational rehabilitation service provider) and president of Slovenian Association of Vocational Rehabilitation Providers
PL Defeat cancer Chemist
Jagiellonian University University Disability Officer, head of the Jagiellonian University Disability Support Service
Association for Development Community Psychiatry and Care (Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Rozwoju Psychiatrii i Opieki Środowiskowej) Psychiatrist
The University Hospital Physician
Department of Metabolic Diseases, The University Hospital Physician
I Chair of General Surgery and Department of General Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology—Jagiellonian University Medical College Physician
National Union of the Vocational rehabilitation facilities and public enterprise Manager
MATIO Foundation for Families and Patients with Cystic Fibrosis Physiotherapist
Jagiellonian University Medical College Physician
Municipal labor office—department of stimulation of disabled people Client advisor—job placement agent

Note: SoVD: Sozialverband Deutschland; IRCCS: Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico.