A and B, Rates of photosynthetic oxygen evolution
in response to external DIC concentration at pH 8.3 (A) and pH 5.0 (B)
in the absence (•) and presence (○) of DBS. C to F, Internal
inorganic carbon concentration by P. micans in the
absence (•) and presence (○) of DBS (C and E) and in the absence
(•) and presence (○) of DCMU (D and F) and photosynthetic
14CO2 fixation in the absence (▪) and
presence (□) of DBS (C and E) and in the absence (▪) and presence
(□) of DCMU (D and F). The final cell concentration was 2.5 ×
106 cells mL−1. In C and D, the intracellular
water space was 0.87 μL and the total water space was 1.75 μL; in E
and F, the intracellular water space was 0.53 μL and the total water
space was 1.08 μL (n = 3). In A and B, the
temperature was 15°C ± 1°C, and the PFD was 500 μmol
m−2 s−1; in C and D, the pH was 8.3, the
temperature was 15°C ± 1°C, and the PFD was 500 μmol
m−2 s−1; in E and F, the temperature was
15°C ± 1°C and the PFD was 500 μmol m−2