Figure 3.
Mating frequencies of the European corn borer E and Z pheromone strains during scotophase. Shown are the number of females mating for the first time during each hour of scotophase, for (a) historical field populations with unknown seasonal timing [45] from Aurora, NY (E) and London, Ontario (Z), and (b) contemporary colony populations: bivoltine E (Geneva, NY, first mating flight in May), univoltine Z (Bouckville, NY, first mating flight in July). Dashed vertical lines represent median mating times in contemporary populations (E = 1.3, Z = 4.0), and mean mating times for historical populations (E = 6.8, Z = 5.1). Contemporary populations show a significant difference in mean mating time between strains (p = 0.0038). When mating times are grouped into 1-h intervals, both of the strains showed significant differences between historical and contemporary mean mating times (E: historical = 7.33, contemporary = 2.81, p < 0.0001; Z: historical = 5.58, contemporary = 4.28, p = 0.014).