Extended Data Figure 5. REV-ERB agonist SR9011 inhibit autophagy.
a–b, SR90011 treatment reduces the number of autophagosomes both in MCF7 and T47D, n= biological independent samples MCF7 20µM 24h n=9 (mock), n=4 (SR9011) **P=0.0056, T47D 48h 20µM n=5 (mock), n=4 (SR9011) **P=0.0079; c–d, SR9011 induces accumulation of p62 as shown by immunofluorescence both in MCF7 and T47D n= biological independent samples 48h MCF7 p62 n=3 (mock), n=4 (SR9011) *P=0.0286; 48h T47D n=5 (mock, SR9011) **P=0.004; e, Accumulation of p62 is confirmed by immunoblot (48h, 20µM A375); f–g, Inhibition of autophagy precedes apoptosis induction as shown by immunofluorescence of p62, cleaved Caspase 3 and TUNEL assay (n= biological independent samples n=4 mock 48h, n=5 SR9011 p62, n=3 48h SR9011; n=6 (mock, SR9011 72h p62), n=10 (mock 72h), n=8 (SR9011 72h) A375 20µM, Cl. Casp. 3 48h *P=0.0286; Cl. Casp. 3 72h ****P<0.0001; Tunel 48h *P=0.0286; Tunel 72h ****P<0.0001; p62 48h **P=0.0079; p62 72h **P=0.0011). All panels three biological independent experiments with similar results. All the data are plotted as mean ± s.e.m. P-value is calculated with Mann–Whitney test one-tailed in all the panels. For gel source data, see Supplementary Fig. 1.